This blog reflects my personal ideas and does not represent any position of the US government or the Peace Corps.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Address!

Just wanted to alert everyone that I officially have a new address!

Katie Richards
B.P. 9
Koungheul, Senegal
West Africa

Sorry to say that I don't have too much time to update you all on my very remote village life. Today, I am busy celebrating Thanksgiving, speaking English and eating cold things. I should be able to get a blog entry up in the next couple of weeks.

Happy Turkey Day!

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to hear about your remote village life. I am sure everything is strange and new and exciting and exhausting.

    We have a young girl from China living with us. She has been missing her native food because she lived with an Hispanic family for 3 months (tortillas and beans with every meal) We have been having fun making Chinese food. She sure likes things very spicy hot.

    Take care, Becky
